Virgo Season 2024

Several times over the past year I’ve found the zodiac season aligned with a different element than what rules it. For example, last Scorpio season while we should have been greatly influenced by the water and emotional intuition that comes with the scorpion, we were instead infiltrated with a larger than normal amount of hot and fiery transitions. This September, we’re again facing something similar but this time the energies of earth and Virgo are being watered down by a highly emotional set of transits.

Virgo is the mutable earth sign, ruled by Mercury, that brings us the opportunity to find new, more efficient systems to our lives. Sure this can sound like color coded files and perfectly organized closets, but the purpose for all this streamlining is to create the time and guilt-free space to enjoy life and find pleasure in the day-to-day. How many of us feel overwhelmed with a running list of to-do’s haunting and ruminating in our minds, but the second we put a pen to paper and make a physical list we’re suddenly surprised by how much further along we were. The actual list doesn’t look as long as it feels.

This is the energy we’re being asked to sink into this month. Where do we block our emotions in order to tackle the task at hand or allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed but refuse to take action due to paralysis. During the recording of this months Cosmic Energy Report, I referenced the energy of loosing a shoe in the mud and being absolutely 100% unsure of the next step to take. The feeling of being completely unable to go backward or forward and baffled by what to do next. Your dreams will feel magnetizing but when you’ll be unable to find a clear path to them emotions arise and we find ourselves either giving up hope or simply lying down in the mud to have a good cry. Both of these options have been playing on repeat for many of us. We’ve felt trapped financially in jobs and businesses, trapped by health or relationship circumstances or found that the dreams we were once so willing to burn the candle at both ends for, no longer feel appealing.

Now is the time to find the clarity and dive into how deeply connected your mindset is to your emotional well being. It sounds easy and we tell ourselves all the time “believe it and you’ll see it” but what if what we believe no longer aligns with what we’re truly trying to manifest? What if the boundaries we’ve made and the patience and hope we’ve held are solely based on the view we had when we were stuck in the mud? Sometimes we listen to others or forget to check our surroundings and find that there was no mud behind or beside us, it was literally only in front of us.

Use this emotionally charged Virgo season to get more deeply in tune with yourself, your loved ones and to connect with those that can help you see the world in new ways. With Mars in Cancer you’ll be motivated by what feels good in the moment. Don’t allow nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses to keep you in the past. Now is the time to align your energy towards a new north star!



Oracle Tarot Pull for Virgo Season


The Cosmic Library of Life, or As The Cool Kids Call It, The Akashic Records