Oracle Tarot Pull for Virgo Season

Virgo Season

 Virgo season is on the horizon and we're switching gears from the fiery creativity of Leo. As we edge closer to the mystical autumn, Virgo gives us a moment to catch our breath before we plunge into the ethereal "veil thinning". Sure, Virgo gets a rep for being a neat-freak, detail-obsessed, and maybe a bit too critical— but don't forget, underneath it all is their unwavering commitment to personal independence. Virgos feel a deep-rooted responsibility to reach their full potential—and they're cheering you on to do the same!

This layout is perfect for all signs to embrace the best of Virgo vibes (while keeping any pesky, unhelpful feelings in check during this Sun sign). So grab your go-to tarot deck, make a cozy cup of tea, and take a moment to ponder before we fully step into the season. Remember, keep what resonates, ditch what doesn't, and tweak this spread as you like! Here's to a fantastic Virgo Season!


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Virgo Season 2024