Trust in the whispers of your soul. they guide you to the path of your true destiny.

our path together

My mission is to help you feel profoundly connected to your true self, empowering you to walk away with a renewed love and respect for your unique presence in the world. I specialize in transforming complex information into easily digestible insights, whether through comprehensive courses or intuitive readings. With a compassionate and authentic approach, I strive to amplify your inner light and share your brilliance with the world.


Mini Readings

NEW! Introducing Mini Akashic + Astrology Readings

Unlock the guidance of your Akashic and Astrological team with this exclusive Soul Sight reading. Simply submit one question, and receive a personalized, recorded message channeled just for you. This mini offering is designed to provide you with profound wisdom and direction from your highest soul team. These readings allow me to access your earthly and soul records at the same time!

A great way to move from overwhelmed to clear! Delivered via email within 3 business days, you are guaranteed 20+ minutes with as much insight and clarity as possible to support you. These readings are available on a first-come, first-serve basis each month, so don’t miss your chance to receive this invaluable guidance!

Secure your spot now!
These are audio recorded and sent to you via email.

Work with Me

Blueprint Reading

At birth, we are gifted with an astrological blueprint that holds everything about ourselves within it. In this session I will guide you through your unique Blueprint where you’ll discover your hidden gifts and feel deeply connected to your essence. You’ll walk away with a feeling of freedom and respect for how you show up in the world. We will cover the 10 planetary bodies, your karmic nodes and healing asteroid.

A recording and a copy of your birth chart will be made available to you within 24 hours of our session.

Soulprint Reading

Combining astrology and akashic records, we access a unique perspective to discover your personal Soulprint. Together with my ‘Akashic Council’ you will be shown past lives and soul level karmic patterns that are an innate part of you. This channeled information helps you drop into a deeper level of self-awareness and opens the doors to profound transformation. Come with your own questions, or we can form them together. These readings are 75 minutes long and provide ample time for multiple questions and past life insights.

A recording and full transcript will be made available to you within 24 hours of our session. This enables you to be completely present in the session and not worry about taking notes.

Heartprint Reading

As a Psychic Channel, Medium, and Emotional Projector, my innate purpose is to see things from a different perspective and to offer wisdom and guidance. The most important thing to me is taking the time to truly see someone, at their core/spirit level, and to help them amplify that light to rest of the world. Heartprint readings are perfect for quarterly check-ins or when you need direct clarification from spirit that eliminates confusion.

These sessions are recorded and a replay, along with any other cards, imagery or tools will be provided to you within 24 hours.

Spiritprint reading

Mediumship readings are for those ready to hear from loved ones who have crossed over. During our time together, I will provide you with information from your loved ones who wish to step forward with messages for you. These sessions are deeply healing and can not only provide proof that your loved ones are still very much with you and around you, but that they continue to be a part of your life.

Each session is recorded and you will be provided with a copy within 24 hours of our session.

1:1 Mentorship

Personalized Mentorship for Every Stage of Your Spiritual Journey

Whether you're seeking to develop your spiritual abilities or to launch your own spiritual business, discovering your aligned purpose can be deeply transformative. This three-month container offers powerful support by working together to create an individualized plan incorporating strategies and spiritual tools to support your growth and expansion. By blending intuitive messages from your Guides, Astrology, Akashic Records and Human Design we can work to uncover and amplify the innate magic and gifts you possess. With over 40 years as an entrepreneur, I have the wisdom to help you pave the way forward to your aligned calling.

Gift Certificates

A unique and meaningful gift

Delight your loved ones with a gift certificate to Emily + her stars. Perfect for any occasion, these gift certificates offer a personalized journey into working with Emily.

classes & Courses


Discover a range of soul-enriching courses and workshops designed to elevate your spiritual journey. From intuitive astrology to mediumship mastery, my classes offer deep, personalized insights and practical tools to unlock your full potential. Dive into the current offerings and find the perfect path to enhance your spiritual practice.
