Unveiling Your True Self: Chiron in Retrograde

With so many planetary influences constantly bombarding us, it can be hard to figure out what we’re meant to do with the influence of astrology. Astrologers knew we were in for a ride with the major transits taking place between 2020 and 2027. It is a profound time of change and growth for us here on earth. Knowing it and embracing it though, are two very different concepts.

I’m lucky enough to have a therapist who is also an astrologer. Many times our conversations weave in and out of current transits and personal challenges. While recently discussing the fact that I was feeling burned out, she dropped a truth bomb on me. As a Taurus Sun, I’m meant to move slowly and deliberately; to enjoy the beauty of life with a calm nervous system taking in and reminding others of the earthly delights we’re surrounded by. With an Aries rising though I so often feel the pull to move faster, do more and be more for others. Being slow, particularly in a body that is deemed “large”, is slothful and repulsive. It’s a self inflicted duty to work harder and faster than those around me and prove my worth. It was in this moment she leaned forward, looked me directly in the eyes and said “but you ARE a Taurus, not an Aries. You’re allowing your rising sign to become a distorted shadow version of what you think you’re supposed to be.” 

I went silent. I didn't have words for what she had just released into my awareness. I could see the ripples of my actions and how living inauthentically had created this false version of myself. 

How many times have we allowed another’s perception of us to dictate the way we move through the world? I’m going to be the first to raise my hand and say as an empath and a recovering people pleaser, it's a lot. So often we receive praise, awards and validation when we move through the world in a way that people expect. Upon receiving the rewards, we recalibrate our internal self-view and adjust for future situations. The problem arises when we’ve wandered so far from our true selves that our bodies, living in misaligned energy, begin to cry out in pain. We reach a point where we can no longer ignore the signs and something has to change.

In 2024, we have an intense amount of energy being given off by Pluto as it transits the last degrees of Capricorn. In 2008 we each began an energetic book based on the 1990-2008 version of ourselves. We were optimistic and ready to supersize everything from our cars and homes to our jobs and meals. The bigger the better! But 18 years on and we’ve discovered the effort it takes to sustain that larger than life vision isn’t viable. Time is actually our biggest commodity and there isn’t a single way we can supersize it. We’re having to break down the systems and structures put in place by our ancestors in order to find realistic solutions to our problems. Creating new patterns and destroying the old generally leads to fear when we feel untethered and unsafe. This creates tension and we doubledown on the versions of ourselves that still garner validation. Hello masking. 

We also have the asteroid Chiron in Aries along with the North Node. Chiron has been in Aries since 2018 and will remain there until 2027. A fairly recent discovery (1978) this dwarf planet with an irregular orbit encourages us to find ways to help heal others through our own pain and suffering. While I personally don’t believe we yet know all that Chiron is meant to teach us astrologically, we do know that it's a window into a personal ‘pain point’ meant for us to embrace. A traumatic bread crumb from a previous life or an early childhood wound, Chiron can have a profound effect on how we choose to show up in our lives and what we deem as safe and acceptable versions of ourselves. The North Node transiting in Aries means the South Node is in Libra and we are experiencing an 18 month eclipse cycle emphasizing relationships with ourselves and with others. You’ve likely experienced your boundaries being tested and found friendships and relationships that no longer fit. Like butterflies emerging from cocoons we find we can’t relate with caterpillar topics any longer. Our world view has shifted, we’ve grown and integrated new knowledge and lessons into ourselves. When we suddenly no longer fit the narrative that has kept us safe we can have a good old fashioned identity crisis. Now not every single one of you is going to be in the midst of deeply transformative pivot, but collectively we are being asked to adjust how we view ourselves in the world. Are you (insert your nationality) or are you part of earth’s global humanity? Is your career no longer the piece that defines your worth? Have you outgrown the version of yourself that people identify you with? 

With Chiron in retrograde until December 29th, I encourage you to take a look at your birth chart and your Rising/Ascendant sign. What is the mask that you’ve been wearing and is it still serving you? Where have you allowed your own true identity to slip beneath the waves of conformity? Now is the time to recalibrate and experiment with how you want to show up. Let the old masks fall away and trust that these new wings will carry you exactly where you’re meant to go. 


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