Aries Super Full Moon - 10/17/24

As I write this post on October 15th, the Moon has already transitioned into Aries and we’ve begun to feel the fiery effects of this potent Super Full Moon. With Mercury and Venus together in Scorpio there is an amplification of emotions and we’re feeling protective of ourselves. It feels like the oceans within us have caught on fire and while we’ve fought long and hard to get to where we are, it seems as though the finish line keeps moving too.

This Aries Full Moon energy invites us to explore what we need to release in order to stay aligned with our intentions. While we can’t control the timing, we can influence it. Often when we begin to experience the feeling of momentum, we want to push harder and rush ahead. Ahh… but there is the problem. When we push against the right timing, we run the risk of heading straight into a state of burnout and depletion.

Now is not a time to force things into being, but instead to set the stage and be prepared for the natural progression of things. This Hunter Full Moon reminds us that we can influence time and timing, but only when we’ve made sure to take care of any unfinished business. Are there bills that have been ignored that need to be paid? Difficult conversations that need to be had? Doctor appointments? Stacks of unread emails? What’s been left undone that needs to be tackled? NOW is the time to do it! When we create space by finishing off the old, we signal to the Universe that we’re ready. The more ready we are, the easier and speedier it is for new opportunities to find us.

We are being called to literally set the stage for what’s next. We’re starting on a new journey! It takes planning, readiness, and, most of all, endurance. Check your mindset. Make sure you haven’t put off the things you need to do to lay the foundation for your dreams. Don’t let your fear of failure cause you to sabotage your efforts! Aries is the initiator and your future is likely screaming for you to join in the fun. Instead, allow yourself to be led to where you need to and finish things. What do you need to finish in order to create the space for something new? Are you holding on to old circumstances and patterns because you’re afraid the future will be different? Are you judging yourself for not keeping up with others even though that isn’t your path? Now is the time to find a deeper level of self trust than ever before!



Oracle Tarot Pull for Libra Season